Worldwide Shares Outstanding
Exchange Data International`s Worldwide Shares Outstanding service allows subscribers to efficiently calculate figures to comply with exchange regulation and portfolio levels. This service provides company shares outstanding data from over 100 countries. The data is sourced from stock exchanges, leading brokerage houses and directly from companies.
Data Coverage
Exchange Data International`s service provides up-to-date shares outstanding data. In addition to the Old & New Shares Outstanding Figures and the Effective Date, each shares outstanding record includes the following information enabling easy identification of the security concerned.
- ISIN, US Code, Local code
- Security Description
- Issuer
- Country of Incorporation
- Par Value
- Currency
- Exchange
- MIC code
- Country
- Listing Date
- Listing Status
- Country of Registration
Whether you are looking for a specific security, researching at a country/exchange level or monitoring your portfolio, FinDataPortal provides you with the perfect solution to meet your exact shares outstanding data needs.
- Easy monitoring of name and code changes, new issues, sector trends
- Automatic portfolio updates based email alerts
- Intuitive search functionalities
Combine with the Security Reference Data service and get a full-view of each shares-in-issue. and
We will be more than happy to offer you a Free Trial of the Worldwide Shares Outstanding service so you can see how flexible the portal truly is.